LCAM - Essential to Maintenance Programmes

LCAM - Essential to Maintenance Programmes

Regardless of the industry you are in, Life Cycle Asset Management (LCAM) should form an essential part of your overall maintenance programme and capital expenditure. In fact, it could even dictate what that programme should be.

From brand spanking new to scrap, the entire journey of your assets should be observed, tracked, maintained and managed effectively to get the most out of its life cycle.

About LCAM

The life cycle of an asset has four different stages:

While these lifecycle stages may appear simple on the surface, in practice it can be significantly harder to maintain all your assets according to and throughout these stages, especially when they are spread over a number of sites. Sometimes, over a number of countries and continents.

Our LCAM Approach

MCP has partnered with many clients in the food, drink pharmaceutical, utilities and commercial industries to help them establish solid processes, provide training and facilitate LCAM systems to build realistic capital expenditure and life cycle management programmes.

LCAM in the Financial Industry

In a recent Case Study, we explain the challenges faced by one of our financial industry clients who, upon completion of an AMIS audit, decided to re-assess their asset register to enable them to begin their journey from reactively maintaining their assets, to employing predictive technologies to optimise the use of maintenance resources and critical spares requirements.

LCAM Case Study

We have prepared this Case Study - LCAM | Benefits of Life Cycle Asset Management - to explain how a client of ours in the financial industry not only saw huge financial benefits but also a myriad of non-financial benefits by adopting our LCAM approach.

Click the image here to download your pdf copy of the Case Study - LCAM | Benefits of Life Cycle Asset Management.

Are you looking to re-assess your LCAM processes or have already started and uncovered some hidden stumbling blocks along the way, then we can help - get in touch with us now by completing the form below.


LCAM - First Steps


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